Why do we put so much of our hopes, dreams, ambitions on one person or event? Why do we put so much of our fears, nightmares, and ruin on another person or event? At 6:11 pm on July 13th, 2024, someone tried to assassinate former President and current Presidential nominee Donald Trump. A person could take this at face value and say it’s about a lone gunman who wanted to subvert the Constitutional process and prevent Donald Trump from becoming president of the United States of America. However, people aren’t that simple. Are they? As soon as the word spread of this incident, the theories of what “actually” happened spread further. Now, I’m not saying that none of them are true or all of them are wrong. What I’m suggesting is that it goes way deeper and is much more complicated than any one perception. This isn’t just about the assassination attempt of a presidential nominee. This is about everyone who does or does not have an opinion about it.
I don’t typically watch the news. I’ve discovered that life is much more stressful when you get updates on the fears and fanaticisms of broadcast television. Instead, I just get it from the same source as everyone else…social media. That being said, social media is not for answers. It’s for questions. Typically, opinions are divided up by 2 major views: political affiliation and religious beliefs. The left leaning people tend to take things at face value and the right leaning people tend to believe the government and media are being deceptive. On this particular day, it appeared that no one took anything at face value.
I expected my conservative brothers and sisters to assume it was a conspiracy within the government to assassinate Donald Trump. I even expected to see plenty of my liberal brothers and sisters to criticize the shooter for missing. What took me by surprise is most people didn’t believe it was the act of a lone gunman. Many many liberals started posting about Donald Trump faking the shooting, to gain popularity as a survivor and hero. Friends of mine who mock “conspiracy theorists” as “nut Jobs” and “Trumpers” are mow claiming that the whole thing was staged by Donald Trump and his campaign. Could they be right? It wouldn’t be the first time a politician staged an event for political posturing. Then again, could the government have tried to assassinate Donald Trump? This wouldn’t be the first or last time our government has assassinated anyone.
What I find fascinating, is the theories are precise to the individuals’ personal feelings on Donald Trump and our government. The lefts versions of theories revolve around their fear that Donald Trump will be the cause of the collapse of our society, and he will use his lust for power and control to subvert the rights of the people. The rights versions of theories are based on their fear that the government will stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump because he will be the savior and unifier of the people and our rights. All sides want the same thing. To have our rights protected. However, both sides view Donald Trump in the complete opposite way. One person’s devil is another person’s saint.
At the end of the day, we should own that our personal perceptions do not always equate to the truth. One man may influence our life, but he cannot control more than we allow. We are all powerful beings who have control of our own paths and not the paths of others. To allow our fears to control our reality, it to choose the worst possible outcome for our lives. Follow the evidence. Not to be proven right or to be proven wrong, but to search for truth. That being said, don’t allow things you can’t control to control you. Don’t allow different perspectives to separate you from those who want the same as you….to be free.